A bit more on that Three Kings tribute…

Here’s a little videographic evidence of the show we talked about in our last post, a tribute to the Three Kings of the Blues presented by Albert Castiglia, D.K. Harrell and Chris Cain at the recent Heritage Music BluesFest.

These are the first and final songs from the set: Castiglia kicking things off with Albert King’s “Don’t Burn Down the Bridge” and Harrell leading the way on the encore of “Why I Sing the Blues.” If you like what you see and hear here, which we’re betting you will, you can watch everything that took place in between (filmed from right next to our own vantage point of front center stage) in all of its glory on 1AnitrasDance‘s YouTube channel (where you can also find a slew of other past blues shows!)

Even just playing back these videos, we think you’ll be able to understand why we’ve said (and probably will long continue to say) that this show was one of the best we’ve ever seen! Enjoy; we know we did!

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