Last week, we told you about the latest collaboration between blues guitarist John Primer and harmonica player Bob Corritore, a splendid little project from Delta Groove Music called Ain’t Nothing You Can Do! While those two blues veterans have the advantage of having worked and played together on several occasions, including a previous release in 2013’s Knockin’ Around These Blues, the friendship between this next pair of collaborators is a much more recent one, starting with a shared number during last summer’s Chicago Blues Festival tribute to legendary blues guitarist Otis Rush.
It was here that guitarist Monster Mike Welch (Sugar Ray and the Bluetones) and vocalist and Lead Belly descendant Mike Ledbetter (Nick Moss Band) delivered their first soulful performance together in the form of Rush’s “Right Place, Wrong Time”, and for those in attendance or who have since seen the video of that song (which can you watch below), it was clear that there was a rare bit of chemistry here. Although that particular number curiously wasn’t revisited on this resulting collaboration between Welch and Ledbetter, the soundtrack to their initial encounter obviously hasn’t been forgotten, serving as the inspiration for the title of what we hope is just the first of many studio projects between the two, in Right Place, Right Time, another gem from the good folks at Delta Groove Music.
The album does, however, include a cover of another Rush tune, in the tough, slow blues of “I Can’t Stop Baby” — essentially a Willie Dixon reworking of his “I Can’t Quit You Baby” with a different set of lyrics — that shows the full range of Ledbetter’s voice, lacing the deep grinding delivery of lyrics like “I’d rather eat deadly poison, baby/ I’d rather jump from the Empire State/ than to think about some other man/ snorin’ in my baby’s face” with passionate falsetto croons, as well as a somewhat Rush-sounding Ledbetter original in “Can’t Sit Down”.